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Pre-Gaming Winter with Hot Dishes

It’s been an unusually warm winter in the Chicagoland area. Think back to how many weekends in December felt like spring was on its way and how often it’s rained instead of snowed.

Alas, we can’t escape winter weather forever – the inevitable change in seasons is on its way, and with it wind chills, sleet and bitter cold hands and feet.

Get a leg up on winter by warming up with some of these hot and/or spicy dishes at Catch 35. When it gets really cold outside, think of these dishes – just imagining how fresh and sizzling hot they are on the plate can help you handle the brisk winds that make Chicagoland (in)famous this time of year.

Szechwan scallops

Served hot and fresh, the peppers in this dish provide the extra punch that will be sure to keep your body temperature a few degrees hotter than usual this winter.

Sriracha buffalo shrimp

Sriracha is one of the spiciest – and best – hot sauces around. Combined with the eye-watering tang of wasabi ranch, this spicy shrimp will make your head spin in all the right ways.

Cajun seafood gumbo and shrimp & crab bisque

Soups are one of our favorite winter dishes, and not just because it’s what mom served to us when we were sick with the cold. The Cajun spices in our seafood gumbo offer the extra kick that make this a hearty and spicy soup; and our thick, creamy shrimp & crab bisque is extremely filling for being “just a soup.”

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is one of our favorite dishes no matter what time of year, but especially in the winter. The sweetness and tanginess of pad Thai sauce combined with piping hot rice noodles, bean sprouts, chili and lime to make this a dish that will be sure to thaw you out when it hits below freezing outside.

Yellowfin tuna sashimi

One of our most popular dishes in general, this seared tuna comes with ginger and wasabi – just the tangy kick you need to brave an ice storm or snow-filled driveway. Check out how our sushi grade yellowfin tuna is cooked in one of our Catch 35 videos.

Even more

Want some more ideas for warming things up before winter really hits? Check out our dinner menu, lunch menu and specially the wine list (nothing warms you up better than alcohol, after all).